About Aidance Scientific

Aidance S​cientific is the maker of ​terrasil® Shingles Skincare Ointment. Our company is known and respected for blending premium, all-natural ingredients with the latest proven science.

We are an FDA-registered, FDA-audited manufacturer of numerous products for quickly resolving a variety of common skin problems. All of our products are formulated, tested, manufactured, and shipped from our headquarters in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, USA.

We have happy customers in over 150 countries. Our company is proud to have fifteen years of research and success behind each of our skincare and personal care products, and we continue to make great strides in the field.

It is our goal to make sure that all our customers are informed and satisfied with their experience when using our products. If there is something that can be improved, we dedicate to making it better.
Learn more about Aidance and our products.

Doctor Tested Hypoallergenic